Honey monster Crisp winter weather and central heating are not a great combination when it comes to your skin and hair.

For a quick pick-me-up, that won’t break the bank, invest in a jar of honey and raid the fridge for some of Mother Nature’s other finest skin savers . . .

The Bolton News: honey image for beauty jenny minard fashion l Oily skin will benefit from an over-ripe banana mashed with just a tablespoon of honey and a few drops of orange juice.

For dry skin, mash half a ripe avocado with a quarter cup of honey. Careful, this one gets rather gloopy.

Add a teaspoon of honey to a tablespoon of natural yoghurt for combination or normal skin.

For any of the above, apply the face mask, leave for 15 minutes (perfect chance to enjoy a glass of wine...) and then rinse off with a soft cloth and warm water.

For winter damaged hair, mix three tablespoons of olive oil with two tablespoons of honey. Massage into your hair, cover with a shower cap and leave for 30 minutes, before rinsing thoroughly, shampooing and conditioning as normal. Be warned, allow for plenty of rinsing time!

Just before bed, mix two teaspoons of almond oil with one teaspoon of honey. Smooth the mixture on to your hands, cover with a pair of light cotton gloves and leave it to work overnight.