SOME of you might remember that I wanted to attend the Bradshaw Area Forum meeting held at Harwood Library last month.

As it happened, something else cropped up and I was needed elsewhere.

I was keen to see how Bolton Council’s re-vamped local democracy exercise was working out in practice, but that is now going to have to wait until the next time.

Meanwhile, the council team running these meetings has sent me an e-mail relating to the point I made at an earlier gathering about the gloomy street lighting in Patterdale Road, Harwood.

It is good that residents who involve themselves in these Forums can enjoy communication of this sort.

The answer to the issue I raised might well be of interest to householders all over town.

I was informed that the current lighting in Patterdale Road was installed in 1969/70 and that the council’s street lighting team is currently replacing lighting that was erected in the early 1960s.

“It will be about eight years before any replacement work is due on Patterdale,” the e-mail said.

Not really the response I wanted, but the system has at least yielded some information.