DETECTIVES investigating the sexual assault and attempted abduction of a 13-year-old girl, are trying to trace a number of “suspicious” cars seen in the area of the attack.

A masked pervert struck as the schoolgirl was walking along Ferns Grove, Heaton, at 9am on Tuesday morning.

Police yesterday canvassed the area for witnesses who pass through each day. A number of them reported seeing cars and people they did not recognise. These sightings are now being investigated.

Det Insp Andy Cunliffe, who is leading the inquiry, said: “It is still early days but we have got some new lines of enquiry that we are hotly pursuing.”

The girl was alone and late for school when the incident happened.

She felt a tap on the shoulder and turned around to see a man wearing a black balaclava, who grabbed hold of her and sexually assaulted her.

He then seized her by the shoulder and pulled her towards his car, saying “get in”.

The terrified girl managed to struggle free and ran to Bolton School, where she is a pupil, and reported the attack to a teacher.

Police were informed and launched an immediate inquiry.

Bolton School has written a letter to all girls’ parents warning them of what happened and advising children to be vigilant and walk in groups.

Police are still hoping to hear from a jogger who ran past the girl as she fled her attacker.

Anyone with information is asked to call the Public Protection Investigation Unit on 0161 856 7948, or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555111.