One word to describe this product. Dreamy. With the harsh realities of winter weather battering your face you might want to choose a foundation to give you a flawless complexion.

Airbase is a silicone based spray make-up which has been adapted for home use. All you need to know is they use it in the movies and you should be sold. It should be sprayed onto the face, however, with the airbrush and compressor kit coming in at almost £135 you might want to just try the product by hand at first.

The box says it’s durable for everyday make-up, it’s long-lasting and requires no touch ups. Created by Oscar nominated make-up artist Ann Buchanan, you can believe the stars use it.

The reality is that it goes on beautifully. More like a tinted moisturiser, with the look of a mousse foundation and pressed powder rolled into one. Having oily skin though meant a mid-morning blotting was in order, but no need for re-application. It did actually last the whole day. That’s what I call value for money. Grab yours for £29.95 from