A LILAC-themed party is being held to mark the 21st birthday of a young man who died from cancer.

Jack Coleman bravely fought the illness for two years but died in January.

He would have been 21 on April 1, and now his family have organised a party to raise money for the Willow Foundation — a charity close to their hearts.

Before he died, Jack spoke to The Bolton News to raise awareness about the charity, which organises special days for seriously ill young adults.

The charity organised for Jack to go to London for a weekend shortly after his diagnosis, with his mother Ann, father Andrew and younger brother George, aged 14. Mrs Coleman said: “It will be an emotional occasion but we are looking forward to it.

“Jack wanted to celebrate his 21st birthday but soon after Christmas he knew that he would not be here for it.

“I know that a party is something he would have wanted and all the money raised will go to the Willow Foundation.

“We decided on a lilac theme because that is the colour of the charity’s logo.”

Jack, a former Turton High School pupil, was diagnosed with with leukaemia three weeks after his 18th birthday Full report in The Bolton News