GIVING birth to triplets changed Lorraine Gordon’s life and now she hopes her own experiences of extreme motherhood can help other mums.

The triple birth four years ago meant Lorraine and husband Ian’s family doubled overnight as they already had a daughter, Megan.

But now Emily, Callum and Adam are joining big sister Megan at school, Lorraine decided it was time to give something back to the organisation that helped her out.

She is joining Home-Start Bolton and hopes to be able to offer support, friendship and a listening ear to a family in the area.

People helped by Home-Start have children under the age of five and may be suffering loneliness, relationship problems, ill health or depression.

Volunteers go into the families’ homes, usually once a week, offering support.

There are many different reasons families are referred to Home-Start, said manager Judith Whittle, and in Lorraine’s case it was to help with four young children, including triplets.

Home-Start volunteer Tracey Massey, who lives in Moorside Avenue, Smithills, became a lifeline for Lorraine and they are now great friends.

“It probably doesn’t sound a lot to other people but Tracey’s four hours a week made a huge difference to me and I will always be grateful to Home-Start and Tracey.

“Tracey was like an angel in waiting for me and we have a great bond. We just hit it off right away,” said Lorraine, aged 33.

Lorraine also hopes that by joining Home-Start she can be seen as more than just “the triplets’ mum”.

“I want to do something for me and not just be a mum of triplets,” she said.

Home-Start Bolton is hoping to recruit more volunteers and has a training programme starting on Wednesday, September 30 which will involve nine weekly sessions.

Volunteers come from all walks of life and all ages and being involved can help future career prospects.

The only stipulation is that volunteers must have experience of young children.

Anyone interested in finding out more can contact the scheme on 01204 362786.