BUS drivers picketed outside their depot as they staged a second day of strikes.

Passing car drivers beeped their horns and gave the thumbs-up gesture in support as more than 60 First bus drivers refused to work for the second time in four days.

Yesterday’s strike follows on from Friday’s action, and once again drivers protested outside the depot in Weston Street, Great Lever, from 4am.

They are furious they have not been awarded a pay rise this year, despite the company making £134 million profits last year.

One driver said: “They’re blaming the recession, but other bus companies have pay rises, so why can’t we?

“We are supposed to be the best company with elite drivers, but we have had people leave here then go to another company and earn more straight away.”

Further 24-hour strikes are planned for Monday, September 21, and Monday, September 28, and bosses at the union Unite say they will not stand down until drivers are offered a pay rise.

Bernard Taylor, chairman of the Bolton branch of Unite, said: “We are just hoping that there is going to be a meeting.”

First runs 150 buses in Bolton, making up 70 per cent of the town’s services, but only school buses were running yesterday.

The company’s 420 staff in Bolton have been joined on strike by workers at First depots in Bury and Wigan.

A spokesman for the company said drivers had been offered a two per cent pay rise next year, brought forward by three months, but the union had rejected the offer.

He added: “We have to be realistic about what we can deliver, and funding a larger pay award for drivers in this environment is simply not possible.”