THE good news is, that in your own home — unlike space — someone will hear you scream . . . a little reassurance for the more nervous gamers.

Because Aliens Vs Predator is a spine-tingler.

It’s also extremely accomplished and a much better effort in every respect than both films featuring the monsters going head to head.

Essentially three games in one, the player can choose to be a marine (very scary, with those pesky Aliens crawling out from all over the place in the dark), a Predator (using stealth and camouflage to creep up on your enemies before dispatching them in nasty ways) or an Alien (scooting along corridors — on floor or ceiling at tremendous speeds — before tearing your victims to pieces).

Each of the campaigns, as you might imagine, has its own distinct gameplay; as a marine you are given plenty of heavy weaponry — and, with the amount of Aliens jumping on you, you certainly need it. Like the film, you also have a handy motion tracker radar device, which massively enhances the suspense of the marine campaign.

It is exhilarating playing as a Xenomorph (Alien for the uninitiated), as the speed you move is incredible. Being a Predator is probably the least inspiring of the first-person characters, but it does provide variety to the experience.

The game is gory and developers Rebellion have packed it with plenty of detail and even Lance Henrikson (an Aliens veteran actor) makes an appearance.

It would be fair to say that in a six-month period that has provided instant classics like Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Bioshock 2 and Mass Effect 2, Aliens Vs Predator struggles to achieve their heights; certainly on their levels of massive emotional involvement.

But this game is snapping at their heels and great fun to play — especially if you’re a fan of the films that inspired it.
