PET lovers on a quest to find a much-loved dog fear he has been badly injured.

Last week The Bolton News reported how Sam the spaniel collie cross went missing in October and, despite being seen across the town several times, he has still evaded capture.

Kathy Walton, chairman of Bolton-based charity Pet Rehome is helping Sam’s owner, Becky Egan, look for him.

She said her phone has not stopped ringing since.

“We have had dozens of calls from readers giving us updates on Sam’s travels,” said Mrs Walton.

She added: “He has been seen in Haslam Park, then on Hulton Lane, then near the Chequerbent Roundabout and on Blackburn Road and finally in Queen's Park.

“We have been unable to catch him because he is so frightened. Sam will need veterinary treatment as many of the calls we have received have said he is limping badly.”

Sam is wearing a collar and a yellow ID tag.

Anyone with information should contact Pet Rehome on 01204 304679 or 07889492803.