A YOUNG Bolton Wanderers fan with three lions on his shirt wants to set the world in motion — by recording a World Cup song for England fans back home.

Teenager Jake Brown Monaghan, who lives in Spain with his Wanderers-supporting parents, has recorded a football anthem with his friends.

Now, the young punk band has entered its catchy tune, which rivals such greats as Vindaloo and Ant and Dec’s On the Ball, into a competition to find an unofficial World Cup song for En-ger-land.

The contest was launched after the Football Association announced it would break with tradition and there would be no official song for the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.

The Nauty Boyz, who are aged between 12 and 15 and live on the holiday island of Lanzarote, have even shot a video for their song — called The Fans Won’t Let You Down.

Jake’s mum, Tracy, who is from Bolton and was a pupil at Mount St Joseph’s School, said: “The boys had the idea to do a World Cup song this year as the FA announced there would not be an official England song for the first time since 1966.

“It is a catchy football anthem — it’s got chants, clapping and a ripping chorus.”

The song, written by drummer Jordi’s dad, Chris Ashley, is currently flying high in the online England World Cup song charts.

Tracy, aged 42, said: “It is in the chart at Number 10 so it has a great chance. We want everyone’s support back in Bolton.”

The proud mum and her husband, Derek, have lived in Lanzarote for the past 16 years. But they are still Wanderers fans, together with Jake and their other children, Lara and Theo.

The couple hope Whites fans will get behind the song and that the track will be played at the Reebok Stadium.

Tracy has urged everyone in Bolton to back the Nauty Boyz’ bid to become Number One. To vote for the song, visit worldcupsong.com/ nauty_boyz.html steven.thompson@ theboltonnews.co.uk