A PLAY that revolves around the funeral of an elderly father would not usually be an occasion for hilarity.

But when the family concerned numbers amongst its members a wellington boot-clad cook that bakes almond cakes with no almonds, another who is convinced his shopping trolley is a clever dog called Rover whom he has already taught to beg, and a sister who is a happy inmate of a psychiatric home, the proceedings are bound to be lively.

Add to this a posthumous joke played by Father on three of his daughters and the fact that they are not exactly what might be termed a close-knit family, and the scene is set for a scorching comedy of personalities and situations

The BATS season draws to a close with Farnworth Performing Arts Company presenting Frank Vickerys comedy One o' Clock From The House at the Farnworth Little Theatre, Cross Street, Farnworth.

The show runs nightly at 7.30pm from June 21 to 25.

Tickets for Tuesday to Friday are £5 and on Saturday £6. Box office: 01204 527092.