THERE is always something in the Bolton Evening News to stir one's feelings up. On Thursday, June 2, Peter Johnston spoke, as others have many times, about what to do about the yob culture.

The answer is simple, and does not need letters some 300 words long. The answer is GOD and the 10 Commandments (from an early age). Today, NO GOD equates to NO FEAR. In others words, do just what you want.

In the same paper, in the Motoring section, there was a claim by the RAC that the God-squad tribe drive badly, knowing that they are protected, and that we feel superior (Christians) because we are spreading the word.

In answer to that, since 1967, I have driven about three million miles without accident, or insurance claim I might add. Driving is part of my employment in built-up areas.

Yes, I have had a lot of close shaves. God helps, of course, but my record is mainly due to self-taught advance driving techniques, common sense really.

Finally, God has not helped me with my recent insurance premium from the company that quotes you happy. It has gone up £90.

Inflation? My age 55?

Hence I will try another insurance company.

Frank David Donelon

Hospital Road
