VIVE la France. Hooray for the 56 per cent who voted non to the EU constitution in France.

Why? Because a French lady said on TV "one of the reasons for saying no was because the people are protesting at what the government is doing, ie: selling off the national industries".

Mrs Thatcher "Americanised" our national industries 20 years ago. I wrote time and time again to these columns at the time, and I felt no one cared. Now all of Europe is following in our muddy footsteps and it appears some dont like the idea.

I still say no to nationalisation of monopolies, ie water, gas, post, telecommunications and transport (railways), and to those of you saying to me Well go and live in France, well I might just do that. I get a nice feeling that maybe I was right all along.

All for one and one for all

Mrs J Barlow

Greenbarn Way
