A THIEF crept up on a blind pensioner as she sat in her living room and stole her handbag from her side.

Police said that the man was believed to be responsible for at least one more burglary in the area and warned homeowners to protect themselves against intruders.

The 90-year-old widow was in her house in Arnside Grove, Breightmet, at 7pm on Tuesday evening when the man struck.

He is believed to have entered the house through an unlocked door and crept up on the frail pensioner, who was only alerted when her dog started to bark.

The man fled from the house with the woman's handbag containing a number of items of sentimental value including her marriage certificate.

One of the woman's neighbours saw the offender leaving her house.

He is described as white, about 18 years old, 5ft 2ins tall and of slim build.

He had dark, closely shaved hair and was wearing a lightweight blue or green waist length jacket and light grey jogging bottoms.

The woman was not harmed during the incident but she was left extremely shaken by her ordeal.

Earlier that afternoon, at around 4pm, a man of a similar description entered the home of a 72-year-old woman in Newby Road - less than half a mile away.

The woman disturbed him and he ran off, taking her handbag with him.

Officers believe the two incidents are linked.

Police condemned the theft as "callous" and urged homeowners to keep doors and windows locked.

Sgt Leon Jacobs, of Bolton police, said: "These are callous acts carried out against vulnerable women.

"In the case of the 90-year-old woman, the man stole a number of items that would be of no value to him but they hold a great sentimental value for the her and she is keen to have them back.

"In light of these incidents I would advise older people living in the area to take extra precautions with their home security. They should make sure doors and windows are locked to reduce the chance of this happening again."

Anyone with any further information should contact Astley Bridge police station on 0161 856 5761 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.