COUNCILLOR John Walsh seems to be launching into a series of attacks against the Lib Dem administration in Bolton, and against me in particular.

His latest tirade ('Undemocratic Decision', Bolton Evening News, April 15), is largely a repeat of comments he raised at a recent Scrutiny Committee meeting, and which were dealt with then.

For his reference, the decision he claims was never made WAS made at a meeting on February 23, 2005 (item 52). Among those present was Cllr John Walsh.

The system by which decisions are made is, as he well knows, part of the modernisation process forced on local government by central government.

Few of us like it, but we have to operate within it.

Unlike the Conservatives, we do not have the luxury of sniping from the sidelines without taking any responsibility for difficult decisions.

Roger G C Hayes

Executive Member for Direct Services and Area Working