A NEW service has been launched in Bury to help users of hard-core drugs.

The White House Project has been set up by Bury Council to offer alternative therapies for people taking stimulants.

It is aimed mainly at addicts taking drugs such as ecstasy, cocaine, crack and amphetamines.

The move comes at a time when crime surveys show that seizures of stimulants are on the increase.

The service, based at Oddfellows House in Manchester Road, will be available on Thursdays between 10am and 1pm.

Substance misuse worker Janet Lightfoot said: "This will benefit anyone who has concerns or knowledge of a son, daughter, brother, sister or other family member.

"All the evidence and research suggests that cognitive behavioural therapy and talking therapies are effective methods of reducing illicit drug use and harm to addicts."

More information is available from Janet or Paula on 0161-253-6539/6162.