1687: The first Huguenots set sail from France for South Africa to escape religious persecution.

1695: A window tax was imposed in Britain which resulted in many being bricked up.

1720: Charles Ed ward Stuart - Bonnie Prince Charlie, the "Young Pretender" - was born in Rome. As leader of the Scottish Jacobites, he attempted to depose George II, but was finally defeated at Culloden.

1911: Marie Curie received her second Nobel prize, unprecedented in the history of the award.

1923: The chimes of Big Ben were broadcast by the BBC for the first time.

1935: Charles Darrow patented his board game Monopoly.

1938: Dr R N Harger's "Drunkometer" was officially used to breathalyse drivers by the Indianapolis Police Department.

1940: Firewatching became compulsory in wartime Britain.

1960: The farthing ceased to be legal tender.