Re: The New Deal Scheme - yes, that word "New Deal", to help the unemployed.

Every unemployed person would know what their Deal is about, it can help some but fail most.

I was recently put forward for the New Deal, because I've been unemployed for some months through no fault of my own.

I was seen by a client adviser, and was told I needed to prove that I could read and write, and I needed to take a 10-minute assessment test there and then- if not, my benefit could be affected.

I could not believe what I was hearing.

I reluctantly took the test- 20 questions. I incorrectly answered three questions - nothing wrong with that you say. Wrong!

The client adviser judged me on three incorrect answers, not the 17 correct ones.

Because of this I was referred to Work Skills Assessment to prove I can read and write. I felt insulted and offended, not only for myself, but for the many unemployed out there.

You don't need to prove that you can read and write when you know you can

It's an insult.

Name and address supplied)