1632: Sir Christopher Wren, architect whose work includes St Paul's Cathedral, was born in Wiltshire.

1818: The 49th parallel was established by USA and Britain as the boundary between Canada and USA.

1822: The Sunday Times began publication.

1890: Explorer and intellectual Sir Richard Burton died. Not only did he write 43 travel books and two volumes of poetry but he also translated 16 volumes of the Arabian Nights, two volumes of Latin poetry and six volumes of Portuguese literature, as well as books in Hindustani, Arabic and Sanskrit. He spoke 20 languages.

1922: Benito Mussolini seized power in Italy.

1944: General MacArthur returned to the Philippines as liberator, fulfilling a promise he made when his forces retreated from the Japanese.

1946: Muffin the Mule first appeared on BBC TV.

1960: DH Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's Lover put Penguin Books in the dock at the Old Bailey, accused under the Obscene Publications Act. It was found not guilty.

1973: The Sydney Opera House was opened by the Queen.

LAST YEAR: Paul Burrell, former butler to Diana, Princess of Wales, claimed the princess had revealed in a letter her fears of a plot to tamper with her car brakes.