MORE than 2,000 people took part in a demonstration organised as part of the campaign to save Fairfield Hospital's Special Care Baby Unit at Bury.

The protest was orchestrated by Fairfield Baby Lifeline Society (FBLS) to fight against plans to shake up children's health care in Greater Manchester.

Bury MPs, David Chaytor and Ivan Lewis, led a march through the town centre along with Jim Dobbin, MP for Heywood and Middleton, and Janet Anderson, MP for Rossendale. Under the proposals, developed by the Children and Young People's Network, Fairfield would lose its special care baby unit and maternity services will be replaced by a midwife-led unit.

So far, the campaign group has collected more than 30,000 signatures objecting to the proposals. The petition will be presented to the House of Commons next week.

Dr Said Hany, chairman of the FBLS told the crowd: "They want public consultation - this is public consulation! Last time I spoke to you, I spoke about passion. This time I do not have to speak to you about passion because the passion is everywhere. We say no to the proposals."

Sharron Entwistle, a member of the FBLS, is a mother of two children born in special care baby units. She said: "No one expects to have a premature baby or a sick child but its a fact of life that it happens so when it does we expect the best care."