IT is very unfortunate that the gates at the bottom of Printers Lane in Bromley Cross have been locked. For a great number of people, this previously gave access to the Kingfisher Trail which goes along Bradshaw Brook to the Jumbles Country Park and Longsight Park.

It was also used by many school children on their way to Turton High School as an alternative to a much longer route along busy roads.

Having suffered from vandalism myself, I have great sympathy for the management of Bradshaw Sheet Metal Works Ltd. However, locking the gates on the bridge over Bradshaw Brook will have no effect as vandals can, and do, get access several other ways, including down Printers Lane.

The route is actually a right of way, but, because of the complexities of footpath law, it is necessary for anyone who would like to keep it open for their own use or for future generations to provide evidence of this.

The Open Spaces Society is dedicated to keeping footpaths open, and, as a local representative, I would like to hear from anyone who has used the path regularly, particularly during the 1980s.

If you would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Ken West

Local correspondent for the Open Spaces Society

5 Wood Fold

Bromley Cross


Telephone: (01204) 461156

The presence of people walking past the works should have some deterrent effect, though in practice these yobs seem to have little fear of getting caught in the act.