RESIDENTS and conservation volunteers have been working to clear up an area of Breightmet to create a small haven for wildlife.

The area known as Spiders' Field has been cleared of weeds and litter and fences around the site have been repaired and painted to brighten up the spot in preparation for the summer holidays.

Residents joined forces with the Bolton Conservation Volunteers to create an area they hope will become Breightmet's own small wildlife sanctuary.

Although only small, the area, within a housing estate off Glaister Lane, already attracts birds, invertebrates and hedgehogs.

A great deal of work has already been done on the site by local children, who have helped staff from the Wildlife Trust to plant bulbs and herbs, make bird feeders and lay down an area of woodchip.

Over the summer school holidays, a number of activity days will be organised on the site for children, run by Kairen Smith of the Wildlife Trust.

For more information call Kairen on 01204 361847.