CHORLEY'S most famous delicacy is to be given its own dedicated radio show.

Millions of listeners from across the UK are to get a taste of Chorley Cakes as BBC Radio 4 takes a light-hearted look at the mouth-watering treat.

The show, It's a Piece of Cake, will give listeners the chance to find out about Chorley Cakes, as well as the town itself and the surrounding area.

Broadcast on Friday, August 6, the show will feature everything from the history and recipe of the humble currant and sweet-pastry delight, to the role it plays in local tourism and events such as the Chorley Cake fair.

Local representatives will feature in pre-recorded interviews giving their comments on the subject.

Dan Wasitua has been selling Chorley Cakes for 30 years from SW Confectioners, Gillibrand Street.

He said: "The key to good Chorley Cakes is making sure they are fresh.

"The ingredients are very simple, there's not really a secret recipe.

"They're a bit like Cornish pasties really -- the housewives used to make them with leftovers to make sure their husbands had a good feed!"

The flat cakes are made from butter, sugar, baking powder, flour and currants.

Councillor Cath Hoyle, executive member for life and leisure, said: "Although the show will be a light-hearted look at a very well known local tradition, Chorley Cake making, it will also be a chance for many more people to find out more about our town, borough and the surrounding region.

"The programme will serve as an ideal vehicle to promote our locality to a national audience and, through the story of the Chorley Cake, to celebrate our own local distinctiveness.

"Chorley is a wonderful place and I am sure that a large number of Radio 4 listeners will be captivated, not just by the traditions and myths surrounding the Chorley Cake, but all the other ingredients that come together to make our borough what it is.

"In so many ways the programme will provide a real taste of Chorley in every sense of the word.

"Hopefully having had a quick sound-bite of what we have to offer here, the show will have whet appetites of listeners enough for them to come along and visit us in the future."

The show will be broadcast at 3.45pm on Friday, August 6.