NOT impressed by the so-called "big three" parties in the European elections? Then you can make your cross against a choice of nine others.

Also standing are:

British National Party: want to leave the EU, control our own politics and economy, stop asylum/immigration and "political correctness" which undermines Britain's heritage.

English Democrats: demand an English Parliament, vote on withdrawal from Europe, promotion of English culture, an end to extra money for Scotland, and making St George's Day a national holiday.

Greens: they oppose the Iraq war and GM crops, and promote fair trade and renewable energy rather than economic globalisation and privatisation.

Liberal Party: not to be confused with the Lib Dems, it says "no" to the euro and the new constitution, and "yes" to social justice and democracy in a commonwealth of European nations.

ProLife: wants the EU to spend money on pro-life policies including medicine and food aid.

Respect (Unity Coalition): led by George Galloway, born out of the anti-Iraqi war movement. Campaigns for a world of peace, justice and public ownership.

Countryside Party: wants to preserve the countryside as a living, working environment. Says its policies are based on freedom of choice and common sense rather than ideology.

UK Independence Party: wants to leave the EU entirely, stop unlimited EU immigration, keep the pound and our government in Britain.

Ronald Neal, an Independent: former Rossendale mayor who wants a more accountable Europe, fairer funding system and better services.