CELEBRATIONS to mark the golden jubilee of High Lawn Primary School were given a helping hand by Mayor of Bolton Cllr Prentice Howarth.

The new mayor visited the school, on Holden Avenue, Sharples, as part of an event to mark the 50th anniversary since the school opened.

She dropped in as the children held a party during school time and is pictured reading with granddaughter Juliette, aged five.

Around 200 former teachers and pupils returned for a celebration to remember 50 years of teaching in the evening.

Among the guests was reception teacher Mrs Deane, who worked at High Lawn Primary School when it opened 50 years ago.

Old photographs and pictures of previous students and sports teams were on show.

Past headteacher Terry Dodds joined in the party.

During the celebrations, a theatre company visited school to perform a production of Peter and the Wolf for the children.

Children came into school decorated with golden crowns and medals.

A picnic was held on the school field, and the choir and orchestra gave concerts.

Headteacher Ros Rushton said: "It was a super day, the weather was great and it was thoroughly enjoyable."

Further events are planned for October, when the school will toast 50 years since its official opening.