IN spite of the obvious potential danger to law-abiding pedestrians I'm starting to sympathise with local skateboarders.

We may not want them zipping around the town centre, using monuments and passers by as enjoyable manoeuvres, damaging the former and threatening the health and safety of the latter, but they still need somewhere to enjoy their sport.

Perhaps the Council could designate suitable spots for them (possibly in some out-of-the-way areas of our larger parks)?

In spite of the new by-law fining anyone for using a skateboard in the town centre, there must surely still be a way to discuss the problem and find some other site for the youngsters.

If they're skateboarding somewhere acceptable, they're not congregating in gangs and causing a nuisance. If they played a different sport like basketball, they would automatically receive official help.

Skateboarding is a hobby, it's popular and Bolton Council owe it to the youngsters to provide practical help and facilities.