THIS is an SOS (Save Our Sport)

Could I ask you to visit Queens Park and Haslam Park bowling greens to see for yourselves the way they are being vandalised?

Queens Park has become cricket pitches, and Haslam Park football pitches.

It is sad to see these once thriving greens falling into this state. Some may say that bowling is a dying pastime, but one of the reasons is people are afraid and feel unsafe.

I no longer play the sport in Bolton, but travel to Bury. What a difference.

Some years ago, Bury bowling greens were going the same way, but someone came up with the idea of fencing the bowling greens. These greens are now thriving. They remain in superb condition, including the bowling huts, and bowlers feel safe.

Bolton, you should take a leaf out of Bury's book and consider, prevention in the long run will reduce overall repair and maintenance costs.

Mike Valentine

Kinross Drive

