BUSINESSES in Bolton should be aware of incoming employment legislation to avoid costly tribunals in the future, according to a North-west employment law specialist.

Paul Walker, employment law partner at JMW solicitors, says the introduction of the new Statutory Minimum Dismissal, Disciplinary and Grievance procedure, which comes into force in October, will have a significant impact.

He added: "From 1 October, 2004, all employers will be required to follow a three-stage dispute resolution process before an employee can be dismissed."

It is hoped the new system will reduce the stress, disruption and costs of disputes, encouraging both parties to have early discussions that can produce solutions before the working relationship breaks down. Dismissal without complying with the new procedures will be automatically viewed as unfair dismissal with minimum compensation of four week's pay. The new procedures may also override any condition in current employment contracts.

Figures from the Employment Tribunal Service show that last year tribunals dealt with 98,000 claims based on work disputes, ranging from problems over pay and conditions to racial and sexual harassment.

on employers and employees in Boltonemployees will be entitled to a standard formal dispute resolution process . E