I READ with interest the letter from Lynne Lowe about putting barriers along Bank Street/Bradshawgate, to protect the drunks/jay walkers.

This would not work, as they put barriers at the top of Bridgeman Place and put a pelican crossing a little lower down to help students to cross safely. On many occasions you will see groups of male students vaulting the barrier and running across the road irrespective of traffic, before they will walk a few yards to cross safely, and they would, we presume, be sober.

As most of the people walking or staggering across the roads seem to have left their brains at home, maybe it would be better to put a warning sign up at the side of roads saying "caution, idiots ahead" or employing special crossing patrols to make sure they crossed properly, mind you, there would have to be one outside every pub.

Mrs J Harrison

Netherfield Road
