CELEBRATIONS replaced the anguish felt by thousands of football fans on Sunday as supporters in Bolton roared England on to victory on Thursday night.

A patriotic and good-spirited crowd packed into The Varsity in Churchgate to cheer the team closer to the second round of the Euro 2004 championships in Portugal with a 3-0 win over Switzerland.

The bar and its patrons were awash with St George's crosses as emotions ran high in scenes which were repeated in pubs and clubs throughout the town -- and the country.

There was an even more anxious wait for office workers who headed home early for the match -- and found themselves caught up in an early rush hour.

Desperate to overcome the disappointment of losing to two late goals against France on Sunday, fans at The Varsity greeted every touch with cheers or groans as a tense first half unfolded.

But a goal midway through the first period from Wayne Rooney -- not to mention the liquid refreshment -- helped settle fans' nerves.

And jubilant fans tipped England to make their way safely into the next round.

Claire Weaver, a 24-year-old dental nurse from Bromley Cross, said: "If we can just hang on to the lead we'll get through the group no problem.

"I was gutted when we lost on Sunday but they put it right with a win.

"Rooney's goal was brilliant. He is definitely the one who can make the difference for us."

It was Rooney who raised the roof again in the second half to put the game beyond doubt.

A third from midfielder Steven Gerrard wrapped up the win in the sunshine.

And despite grey skies in Bolton, fans predicted a bright future for England.

Mark Roper, aged 19, a student from Horwich, said: "If we can keep improving and save our best until the end of the tournament, we are still in with a shout.

"We proved that that we can mix it with France and they are probably the favourites.

"We played really well and the atmosphere was brilliant. Everyone was waving flags and singing from the start to the end."