I AM writing to you today because I feel infuriated that dogs and their walkers are once again the target of letters to your newspaper.

Since when did humans have exclusive rights to walk the pavements, in the parks or open spaces, etc.?

Just think for a minute and you will realise that animals have walked this earth for many thousands of years longer than us humans.

They went where they wanted and did what they wanted. The land was covered in dinosaur droppings the size of a house. Can you imagine anyone running behind a T-Rex with a paper bag. No, course not.

We were brought up through all that and still survive. Humans co-exist with animals.

Rather than throw up impractical solutions to this issue that has been around since the beginning of time, I would suggest that these grumblers apply their minds to something more worthwhile, like stopping humans throwing down litter. Have they never had a box or bag blown on to their windscreen? Oh, while they are at it, they will need to watch where they walk or they will end up with the dreaded "gum" on their shoes.

Try getting that off your shoes and carpets, no animal threw that down.

Humans make far more mess than animals.

So, for goodness sake, get a life and spend your time doing some good. There are many aged or disabled persons would love to be taken out in their wheelchair -- who knows, you might enjoy it too!

Another point to raise is that many dog walkers spend hundreds of man hours raising money to help animals and find them homes, which I doubt these moaners ever do.

Finally, go and take a look at Jumbles or Crompton Lodges etc. They have never been more beautiful.

An artists' heaven -- despite the dog dirt!

M J Symonds

Newbury Road

Little Lever