LANCASHIRE Road Club cyclist Keith Tattersall produced his best ever time in a 30 mile event during the Veterans Championship, to finish eighth overall on standard. John Partington finished in 1-27-23 and Alex Munro 1-20-52.

The club won a team prize in the NLVA 50 mile event at Cockermouth. Frank Kerry led the team, with support from Keith Tattersall in 2-5-58 and Alex Munro 2-19-50. Frank also won the 60/70 age group on standard. Colin Greenhalgh 2-17-16, Ian Ainsworth 2-24-15 and John Partington 2-29-06 also rode the event.

Further afield, Gordon Holt was the club's only representative in a 25 mile event and fini9shed in 1-1-17.