I REFER to Mr J Turner's letter of April 7.

I'm sure he doesn't really believe that teachers arrive at work at 9am, finish at 3.30pm, go home and put their feet up!

I'm not a schoolteacher - you couldn't pay me enough to do such a demanding, albeit infinitely worthwhile, job.

If schools turn out "illiterates, innumerates, yobbos and yobettes", I suspect Mr Turner will find it is a result of his generation's parenting skills, rather than the fault of schools (which seem to get blamed for everything!).

Moreover, his generation is the most likely reason why the country is in such a state today, and we'll just have to hope that the "illiterates, innumerates, yobbos and yobettes" are able to mop up after us, and do a better job of running things - they couldn't do any worse!

In the meantime, Mr Turner will just have to continue to seethe at his workbench, safe in the knowledge that he, and he alone, is doing "real" work.

Mrs D Peacock

Water Street
