I AM writing to add my observations to the on-going saga of "fouling" in Farnworth Cemetery.

I too take exception to the presence of dog dirt, especially on the site of a grave -- though despite frequent visits to the cemetery I've still to see some for myself.

But what about the dreadful eyesore of an unauthorised dump, which has been growing steadily bigger over the past two or three years.

It is by the gateway into the country park, adjacent to the new graves and quite close to the main gates. This dump has been erected presumably by some of the visitors to the new graves -- it is made up of dead flowers, plastic bottles, old wreaths, plastic wrappings from floral tributes, and believe me it is one dreadful mess.

Even so none of the previous complainants deem to have noticed it.

Perhaps the Bolton Evening News in its "Bin it for Bolton" campaign can persuade the council to give these people their own bin, so they don't have to walk 30 yards to the existing one.

E Roby

Market Street
