A LOOKING Back reader told me recently that he thought there should be more local views on the page.

So here goes.

In 1929 the council, local businesses and the Bolton Evening News combined to produce a handsome publication entitled "The Book of Bolton."

According to the foreword it was in response to demand for an authorative publication advertising the industries of the borough and the suitability of the town as a centre for new industrial enterprises.

Part of it read: "The town's reputation in the textile world has been built up on quality and in other trades quality of production has given local goods world-wide renown so that 'Made in Bolton' is now a guarantee of quality and value."

The book, which was presumably distributed nationally, gives a comprehensive picture of the town, its industry and leisure facilities.

It included these Bolton Evening News pictures which were obviously designed to show that it was not always grim up north.

Before the clean air legislation, though, that might have been something of a hard sell.