YET again it seems we are unable to stop the roads from becoming temporary ice rinks.

On Tuesday night after watching Bolton Wanderers hang on against Villa at a friend's house in Egerton, I attempted to drive home along Blackburn Road, then Crompton Way, Bury New Road and finally the road where I live.

The journey normally takes around 15 minutes, however last night it took 45 minutes!


Because the roads had NOT been gritted properly!

It's 9.13am on January 28, as I write this to you and, as I live on a bus route, I haven't seen one bus pass yet. Why? Because, according to Mr Castle at the council (whose department is responsible for gritting), who told me this morning when I phoned him on the GRIT HOTLINE 01204 336600, and I quote, "The snow report said it would hit Bolton around 7am, we pre-gritted last night at 6pm, however the snow hasn't had time to chemically react with the grit as traffic hasn't been driving on it."

Not surprising, Mr Castle.

Would you risk taking your car out in it?

He also said the snow came down rather quickly this morning.

HELLO! How come countries like Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Italy, etc., cope with two feet of snow, yet we struggle with two inches!

Come on, Bolton, get a grit -- sorry grip!

(name and address supplied)