A MOTHER whose son suffered serious head injuries after a road accident is trying to set up a self-help group.

Jennifer Lyons, aged 52, wants other parents and carers who look after people with brain injury to come forward and help set up a Bolton branch of Headway, the leading head injuries charity in Britain.

Gary, aged 24, was hit by a lorry in Cheetham Hill last February and spent seven months recovering at North Manchester General Hospital, Hope Hospital and Leigh Rehabilitation Unit. His leg was pinned together with a steel frame, which will not be removed until June, and he suffers from short-term memory loss and mood swings. Miss Lyons, of Wigan Road, Bolton, said: "I was never given any advice on living with someone with a brain injury or given any contact numbers for other people who have been through similar experiences.

"I told Gary's neurosurgeon that I wanted to set up this group and seven people have contacted me through him. That shows this group is necessary in Bolton. We can support each other and can phone each other when we need someone to talk to. The crucial part is talking to someone who has been through it."

If you are interested in joining Bolton Headway, contact Miss Lyons on 01204 431704.