I REFER to Cllr Bill Collision's letter published in the Bolton Evening News, November 3.

I agree with him entirely that people deserve fair play and value for money, but they are not going to get it from the Lib Dems. I, like him, have a duty as a councillor to represent my ward to the best of my ability, irrespective of politics; we have a duty to represent everyone.

Liberal Democrat politicians are notorious for wanting to be all things to all men. A recent example of this is the Fluoridation Bill currently moving through Parliament. Labour filed an early day motion calling for fluoridation of water. Lib Dem MP Brian Cotter signed up to indicate his agreement with the motion. Conservative MP John Butterfill filed a further motion arguing that the addition of medicines to public water supplies is a breach of fundamental human rights and rejected any proposal to amend legislation to permit the addition of fluoride to public water supplies. Astonishingly, MP Cotter again signed on the dotted line!

He states that votes are being lost to left-wing parties. His party is now further left than Labour. Then he drags out the good old favourite that the Conservatives let Labour take control of the council. The Conservatives now Chair all the Scrutiny Committees that challenge and question all the executives decisions. His party also tried to negotiate the same position for his group. I think it is a case of the pot calling the kettle!

So Bill, the Conservatives have always been, and continue to be, willing to work with all parties for the betterment of the public of Bolton, without conceding our principals and beliefs, which is why we were elected. That, I think, cannot be said for some other groups.

Andy Morgan

(Councillor Hulton Park Ward)