A CHORLEY artist is set to receive the superstar treatment in Barcelona after securing an exhibition to show off his work in the Spanish city.

Iain Cant, 35, is one of four artists who have been awarded grants to show off their brush strokes in the place which is renowned the world over as a centre of culture.

The father-of-three applied to take part in the Setting Up scheme organised through Lancashire County Council two years ago.

The scheme supports recent graduates, helping them to rent studio space to get them on track with business training and provides them with the opportunity to make contacts abroad.

As a result Iain has just visited Barcelona to exhibit his art work where he was treated like a superstar.

"It's a beautiful place with a rich cultural history of artists like Salvador Dali.

"We had an opening for our exhibition and the Spanish press and television stations came. It was a real experience."

After graduating in fine art from the University of Central Lancashire in 1997, Iain was commissioned by Chorley Borough Council to create a sculpture in Astley Park.

The sculpture called Seminal is carved out of an ash tree trunk.

After that he said he had "a few quiet years" and was loading wagons and taking any job he could to support himself and his family.

Heather Fox, arts development officer of the Setting Up Scheme, said: "This is a great chance for young artists to make that transition. Making a living as an artist can be difficult and this scheme supports them in the early days."

Iain is now working towards an exhibition at the Harris Museum in Preston which will open next March and one at Turton Tower, Chapel Town Road, near Bolton, which opens on Saturday.