TO say I am furious is an understatement. Is it me, or does there seem to be no time limit or restrictions as to when teenagers go in at night?

I say this because I have recently moved to Tonge Fold after living in Breightmet all my life, and with living on a main road, you see and hear quite a lot of the goings on, which is usually late at night and seems to be mostly teenagers.

During my short time here, I have had my car stolen on numerous occasions and damaged too many times to mention. When it is stolen, it only seems to go down the road, which makes me think it is kids.

What they don't realise is the inconvenience and upset they cause. I am on my own with an eight-year-old old son and I need my car to get him to school, me to work and back and forth to hospital appointments when he needs to go and see the specialist.

Part of me wants to put a sign in the car to tell them what I think of them, but that would only lead to more damage done to my car.

I can't afford all this extra cost as I have recently obtained a mortgage for the property I am in and all my money goes into the house and bringing up my son.

So if there are any parents out there who are not too sure what their children are up to at night, please try to make sure they are not out causing damage to people's property. I know when my son gets older I would be mortified to find out he had been doing things like that.

Sharan Charnock

Bury Road
