I HAVE a lovely penfriend who lives in Norfolk. I write and text her regularly.

With me being a typical Lancashire lass, she finds it hard at times to understand some of the weird yet wonderful phrases of the old Lanky dialect!

Norfolk is only hours away, yet we do have different ways of speaking!

It's only during the school holidays that I have realised how strange just some of our sayings are.

I'd seen a young boy kicking a ball against someone's wall and, inevitably, the resident came out to give him a good ticking off with these words: "If my husband comes out to you, he'll have your guts for garters!" Guts for garters? Just where does the saying come from?

Needless to say, I have my penfriend in stitches with some of our sayings! Apart from anything else, I wouldn't swap my Lancashire roots for anything!

Alison Henderson

Bentley Court
