DENIS Betts claims caretaker Warriors coach Mike Gregory will be unfazed by the pressure of his trial in the hot seat.

Assistant boss Betts said: "When you are involved in sport, every day's a test.

"So both Mike and myself are more than used to handling this kind of pressure and we will not give it a second thought. We will just concentrate on our responsibilities.

"We can't be worrying about ifs and whens. All we can do is concentrate on what we can achieve this season. If we look after this club, the club will look after us."

And Betts has no doubt that Gregory, and other British coaches like him, are good enough to repel the hordes of Australians from taking all the top jobs in Super League.

"Times are changing," he said. "Mike's worked really hard to achieve what he has done in the last nine years."

He has been coaching for nine years and I'm a firm believer that you get back what you put in."