IF CHORLEY wants to compete with its larger neighbours, Preston, Blackburn, Wigan and Bolton, then it is time to do away with the archaic practice of closing the town centre on Wednesdays.

The idea of shutting shops and businesses for an afternoon in any other town would be preposterous.

Chorley is like a ghost town on Wednesdays and most people do not bother going into town at all during the day because they know that the shops and the market will be closed by lunchtime. Our traders therefore virtually lose out on a whole day's business.

The only shops that remain open all day are chain stores. Local and family business owners complain they are struggling to make ends meet in Chorley, but other businesses open every day including Sunday, so no wonder our shop keepers aren't making money.

I frequently walk through town at 9.20am and many shops are not open on time, some do not even open until 9.30am. What other town would tolerate such random practices? It's time to make our town centre and local shops more accessible for residents of Chorley and our visitors.

(Full name and address supplied.)