WHY can't the clairvoyant see my irritation?

In common with many, I read the Bolton Evening News via the excellent Internet facility.

To my surprise there has been an added feature for the last few days -- an advert has popped up advising me that a Stephen Holbrook, who is a self-proclaimed clairvoyant, will be gracing Bolton with a visit on June 3. And for a mere £10, I am invited to attend the event. Mr Holbrook's image is included on the page and I must confess that he looks the part: messianic, knowing stare with long, blond hair and moustache/small beard etc. He'll appeal to the ladies, I'm sure.

Although I removed the advert from the screen, the persistent thing continues to pop up at frequent intervals, much to my increasing irritation.

It has struck me that, if Mr Holbrook is indeed what he proclaims to be, he would have done something about my irritation. A definition of clairvoyance is -- "Faculty of seeing mentally what is happening or exists out of sight; exceptional insight". Hopefully, Mr Holbrook eventually will "see" my switching off his advert and take steps to prevent its reappearance. Or maybe his "exceptional insight" is limited to seeing the £10 notes piling up!

Peter Inch

