MEET Harry . . . he will be making his Bolton Octagon Theatre debut next month in HAM! -- a play about a butchers shop in the North-west.

He was handpicked by a talent scout who saw he had what it takes to appear in the show.

But Harry will not be getting any butterflies before he makes his bow after 15 years experience in the butchers trade.

For the budding actor is a six foot statue which stands outside Hamer's Butchers on Chorley Old Road, Bolton.

The amused owner, David Hamer, who claims to be just as chubby as Harry, said he was delighted that his protege will be making his first tentative steps into the spotlight.

He said: "He's a bit of a local star with the customers and they always ask me where he is if we don't put Harry outside the shop. People always look for him, so it seems fitting that he is going to appear in this show.

"Someone from the show rang me up a couple of weeks ago to see if he was available and I was happy for them to use him. No doubt he will be getting an Equity card soon!"

The senior marketing and press officer for Bolton Octagon, Karen Douglas said: "I think that Harry will be used to stand outside the theatre to greet theatregoers when they come to watch the play.

"He's a big, chubby statue which will fit in nicely with the play. We're really grateful to Mr Hamer for letting us borrow Harry."

HAM! opens on Thursday, May 8 until May 31 at Bolton's Octagon Theatre.