I TOTALLY agree with the recent letters from L Bradburn and Robert Anderson.

I know Mr Anderson has rightly mentioned the old chestnut, America only came into the Second World War after our two years of standing alone. Furthermore, on a TV programme about Hitler, it was stated that he couldn't have got into power if the Wall Street crash with its severe repercussions hadn't happened.

I am convinced the American financial chiefs haven't the intelligence of Kirk from Coronation Street, with Fiz thrown in.

I agree with every word of Mr Anderson, as there could be more sinister repercussions.

I warned in a letter written November 13, 2001, that any involvement in a Middle East country could cause a "Birds of a Feather" situation. In other words, this war in Iraq has been seen as an attack on Islam, and evidence has been shown by anger even in Egypt, one of the "friendlier" Arab countries.

What I am dead against is the involvement of our country. There have been enough war protests, but Tony Blair just hasn't listened. If America wants to invade another country, let it be between themselves. Why should we perch on Bush's shoulders, as was the case last time? I see most of our so-called "friends" in Euroland not helping, quite the contrary.

Thirty years ago we had a terrorist attack in the form of the quadrupling of the oil prices. I could never understand why this was taken on the chin by powerful America. Was this because they feared an OPEC old pals act? Was it a punishment for helping Israel?

I see there are double standards where "friends" of America can get away with atrocities, as was the case with Iraq when the enemy was Iran. History obviously has proved that this has backfired big time! Perhaps the pro war correspondents will think different when planes are flown into our cities, and I don't mean via the airports.

B Howarth

Alexandria Drive
