FOR the past 18 or so days, I have admired the acclaimed accuracy of our fire power on selective targets in Basra and Baghdad.

Night after night on our TVs we have watched the miracle of this fire power as selective buildings, political establishments, government buildings and the like have been blown to smithereens in the accuracy of the latest technology.

We have seen how accurate this bombing has been, be it airborne or artillery, all with the minimum of civilian casualties.

Now I am surprised to view on the latest updates that, after this precise bombing, our troops are entering Baghdad and Basra -- the cameras following their every move -- and, lo, we enter palaces of the hierarchy in both cities, apparently completely intact. We examine the gold bath fittings on bathroom furniture and the like -- this after 18 days of selective targeting.

One must assume that these targets -- the Presidential Palaces -- were "immune" to the battle instructions. Why, if we wanted to destroy Saddam and his cronies? Surely these should have been number one targets. If not, why not? If our missiles are so accurate and effective -- as I believe they are -- why were these presidential dwellings and, presumably, their reinforced shelters, left intact? What have we been watching on our TVs for the past 18 days? Truth or fiction?

Bob Pollock

Glendale Drive
