PLODDER Lane School, Farnworth, has records dating back to 1903 of education on Plodder Lane.

Not their own, because that school did not open until 1908 because of the expanding population of the area.

However, before that the very successful St George's School was further up the lane (it opened in 1888) and when Plodder Lane School opened, all the children and staff moved to the new building.

Records dating back to 1903 were handed over, and it is this anniversary "100 Years of Education on Plodder Lane", that was celebrated on Thursday (April 10), with an Open Day at the school when there was a vast collection of photographs on display, and all the records available for people to see,

Today's pictures, supplied by Mr Brown, show the school cricket team in the 1950s, and the school production of the pantomime "Cinderella" in 1962.