I WAS looking through old pictures at home the other day, and I came across this one of a crowd on Adlington station, date unknown.

As you may know, I was brought up in Adlington, so it may be that some relative is shown, perhaps my grandfather ("Owd Ernie") or my father Stanley as a young man, but if so, I do not recognise them, or know why the picture was taken.

My guess is that it was in the first couple of decades of the last century, but I thought you might be interested because of the styles of clothing - in particular, note that virtually everyone has headwear of some sort. I have spotted flat caps, straw boaters, and one trilby (it is possible that the trilby wearer at the back was my father, because he wore a trilby for the rest of his life).

And if you notice, those presumably waiting for a train are all males!