PEACE protesters from Bolton joined 100,000 campaigners to demonstrate and march in London against the on-going war with Iraq.

Many voiced their opinions in Hyde Park by waving anti-war banners and chanting slogans after marching from Euston Station to Picadilly Circus.

A coach load of Bolton protesters were joined by left-wing Labour MPs, union leaders, students and schoolchildren from across the country, all voicing their disgust at the Allied bombing campaign.

Neil McAllister, Bolton's Stop the War Coalition chairman, said feelings in London were a mix of anger and sadness as the war against dictator Saddam Hussein continued.

He said representatives from Bolton's UNISON branch, the Quakers, the Socialist Alliance Party, CND and students from Bolton Institute all attended.

The demonstration on Saturday coincided with similar events throughout country -- and throughout the world. Police said it passed off peacefully with only a small number of arrests.

About 50 campaigners from Bolton travelled to London for the rally.

Mr McAllister said: "The feeling down there was strong and it was a lot more militant than other demonstrations have been with more chanting.

"People do feel that the protests are having an affect. We have to try to shorten the war with Iraq and get our feelings heard. We have to ask, how many innocent casualties will this war produce."

Peaceful demonstrations and marches were also held in Manchester, Bradford and Blackburn.

Mr McAllister said further demonstration against the war are planned for Bolton.